Now that you’ve started applying for jobs, here’s some things you can do to improve your chances of starting work
Make the most of your jobcentre: If you are claiming Universal Credit and you need some help to improve your chances of finding work, contact your work coach. They could help with childcare support, clothing, transport, IT equipment, training and much more.
Talk to your work coach: If you are claiming Universal Credit your work coach can help you to understand which employers are recruiting in your area, what they are looking for, and what you can do to improve your chances of getting those jobs. They can also tell you about jobs fairs or when local employers are visiting jobcentres. Make the most of their knowledge.
Prepare for interviews: Most employers use interviews to help them recruit the right person. Find out what you can do to help make sure they choose you.
Improve your skills: Take a look at the job descriptions of the kinds of role you’re most interested in. Be honest about where you have gaps. Find out what free courses are available to help you get the skills employers are looking for. In Scotland My World of Work (external website) could pay for some courses to help you find a job.
Get some experience: Are you interested in a role or industry but you just don’t have any experience of that kind of work? Volunteering or work experience could open the door for you.
Expand your search: If you are struggling to find work in your first choice industry or role, you might have better luck if you take a look at a different kind of job. You may also find that sectors you haven’t considered before have the type of role you are looking for. Read about industries that are growing, including what it’s like to work in them and what you need to know to get started.
Look around for advice: The National Careers Service (external website) has lots of information to help you get the job you want, or see My World of Work (external website) in Scotland or Careers Wales (external website). Do a Google search to see what else might be on offer in your area.