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Get information and resources to help you find job opportunities in a wide range of sectors, including the NHS, adult social care, retail, food production and logistics.
- Amaethyddiaeth
- Adeiladu
- Digidol a Tech
- Iechyd Oedolion a Gofal Cymdeithasol
- Gweithgynhyrchu
- Sector Cyhoeddus
- Trafnidiaeth a Logisteg
- Lletygarwch
- Warws a dosbarthu
- Swyddi Gwyrdd
Do you have a work coach?
Work Coaches provide jobseeker support in towns and cities UK wide. They help individuals and their families towards financial independence through work and enabling them to claim the support they need as they progress in their job search. If you are currently claiming Universal Credit you may be eligible for a Work Coach and can contact your nearest Jobcentre Plus to find out more.
Learn more about Work CoachesResources
From online tools to job boards and apps, we have collated some of the most useful resources available to help with your job search. If you’re looking for a job, these are a great place to start.
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